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PUBG Mobile controller support: Here are the top picks on Android and iOS

Mobile gaming has come a long way in the past few years, with games like PUBG Mobile and Call of Duty Mobile offering console-quality gameplay on smartphones. However, the touchscreen controls do have their limits, and almost any player will benefit from playing PUBG Mobile or any other game with a controller.

Unlike CoD Mobile, which offers support for many popular consoles, PUBG Mobile console support is still limited more than two years after its release. However, there are some ways to enhance the experience. Here’s everything you need to know about PUBG Mobile console support!

Does PUBG Mobile have controller support?


PUBG Mobile does not support the use of Bluetooth controllers on Android and iOS devices. There are ways to get around this by using some plugins and devices, but they are not officially supported and may lead to your account being banned.

However, there is one way to play PUBG Mobile with a console, and that is through a PUBG Mobile PC emulator such as Tencent Gaming Buddy or Bluestacks. These apps allow you to fully customize the inputs, so you can use any PC game controller or mouse and keyboard. Note that playing on the emulator will match you with other emulator players, even if they are grouped with friends on the mobile phone.


If you decide to play on PC, the best PUBG Mobile console is the Xbox One Wireless Controller. This has been a primary controller for years, and if you don’t already have one, you can choose one from the link below.

What are the best PUBG Mobile consoles for Android and iOS?
Although full controllers are not supported in PUBG Mobile, there are quite a few manufacturers who make devices that work with Battle royale titan. These are basically trigger attachments that attach to your phone that allow you to shoot without taking your thumb off the virtual sticks. Since they have no software components, they work on both Android and iOS devices.

They are available in two types: one with only shots and one that fits the entire phone into the box. Both will work with PUBG Mobile or any other mobile game and are much easier to master than “claw” control. Check out our favorite PUBG Mobile Players below.

Aside from the triggers, you can also get a little more tactile experience by sticking the phone’s control arms to your screen. It’s easy to find it without looking at it, although it won’t let you run into PUBG and may block a great deal of screen on smaller phones. It’s also very inexpensive, so hardcore PUBG Mobile players have nothing to lose by giving them a chance!

The sections above are quick and easy to install, and there is one more step to take before you can get into Erangel or Vikendi. In order for fire buttons to appear below trigger points, you have to go into settings and set your own control scheme.

To do this, open the in-game settings, then click on the controls on the right-hand side and customize. From there, you can move any buttons you want to the top of the screen where you press the triggers. You might also want to create a new layout if you don’t always play with PUBG Mobile Players. When done, press Save and Exit.

Will PUBG Mobile add console support in the future?

It’s been over two years since PUBG Mobile was officially launched, and there was no indication from Tencent or Lightspeed & Quantum that console support would be added. However, Tencent’s other major franchise, Call of Duty Mobile, added console support in late 2019, so it’s not impossible to revisit that decision in the near future.

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